Operation Mahakal: Episode 18 Final Surrender - GLOBAL DIGITAL NEWS LETTER 360


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Thursday 28 June 2018

Operation Mahakal: Episode 18 Final Surrender

Author: f-14

They say that no plan survives first contact it was the same for JFOPPLAN12125A –otherwise known as operation Mahakal thought major general Manoj Chauhan what started out as a 10day blitz Krieg had dragged on for 3 months this victory for him was bitter sweet as he had lost a lot of good friends and batch mates

But then that is war and that is what he had signed up for war like the sea was a crule mistress once you fall for her charms then in returen she asks or changes your life forever the major general spared a though for the lowly solider who went to their deaths all at the commands of men like him did that make him a killer a glorified butcher of men a snatcher of dreams and a destroyer of families ?

As his mind wander the Pilot of the VIP helicopter that carried him came over the intercom and announced 

Gentlemen we are reaching the LZ get ready for landing as Mayfair looked over to his right he saw the HQ of the Pakistani 10th corps

Lt Col Jaslene “Jazz” was there to recived him along with the theater commanders of the navy and Air force as well 

As he made his way to the main hall of the HQ he was struck by the colonial charm that it exuded 

As the six commanders of both the armed forces sat across the table the ice was broken by Major general Manoj 

“General Khalid Khan does you accept the conditions enclosed in the surrender document in front of you?”

The silence was defining 

Manoj asked once again 

“General Khalid Khan does you accept the conditions enclosed in the surrender document in front of you?”

Again the same defining silence 

Manoj was about to ask a third time when the Pakistani general moved his head in a fashion that stated yes 

And further reinforced it by placing his service pistol on the table in a consolatory fashion 

This was followed by the Aide De Camps of the Pakistani general

The Pakistani general spoke for the first time 

“ Let it be known that I along with my forces surrendered not because I was scared of a battle but for the safety of the people of Pakistan …… enjoy this victory because it will be short lived as we will rise again from the ashes and wont rest until we conquer Hindustan”

To which Manoj replied “you are welcome to try general but remember these words “your conquest has an ice ball’s chance in hell”

The surrender ceremony was beamed live to all the forces and to Pakistani forces on their former military CommNet which had been decoupled for this transmission only 

A Pakistani officer gave the command to lay down arms to the surviving forces 

میدانمیںتمامپاکستانیفیلڈکیشکلیںہیں،یہیادرکھناہےکہ 18:53 بجےتک. پاکستانمعیاریوقتتمامجنگجوؤںکوہمارےملککےعوامکوبچانےکےلئےزیادہبحثاوربحثکےبعدفوریطورپراسلامیجمہوریہپاکستانکےافواجکمانڈروںکوفوریطورپربندکردیاجاناچاہئے.


ہتھیاروںکیشرائطسےمتعلقکسیبھیمسئلےمیںکسیبھیالجھنکیصورتمیںزیادہاضافہہوتاہےتوکیسکیسکےاختتامکےمطابقجاسکتاہے. Cwhos فیصلہکسیبھیملامتسےباہرہوجائےگا.



اسکےحوالےسےپاکستانکےمسلحافواجسےمتعلقتمامکاموںنےجوابیبھارتیفوجیکارروائیوںاورفیلڈیادگاروںکےساتھجوابدیااور "

An English translation was also red out 

This is the force commander to all Pakistani field formations still in the battle field this is to note that as of 18:53 hrs. Pakistan standard Time all hostilities are to be ceased with immediate effect the Forces Command of the Islamic republic of Pakistan after much deliberation and discussion to save the people of our country from further carnage have decide to surrender and cases all hostilities with India 

All forces are here by placed under the command of major general Manoj Chauhan General Officer commanding in Chief Indian and allied forces Pakistan 

Futher more in case of any confusion arises in any matter concerning the terms of surrender the case shall be dealt with in accordance with the discretion of the GoC-in-Cwhos decision shall be beyond any reproach 

The GOC in c gives his solom assurance that all former Government and military personnel shall be treated humanely as per the provisions of the Geneva conventions 

All Pakistani forces are now under the command of the GOC in C Indian and Allied Forces Pakistan 

Futher to this the all acts relating to the armed forces of Pakistan stand replied and replaced with concurrent Indian Military acts and field memos “

To say that there was doom among Pakistani ranks was to say the least 

Pakistani soldiers egged on by their own paranoia deserted the fields of combat and ran to their homes fearing the safety of their families 

The task was not easy for the Indian forces as they had to take on a multitude of tasks from restoring the power grid to restoring the sewage lines roads and railways as well 

All was time bound and the command from the PMO was to restore Pakistan in a way that it won’t be harm to us again 

When the final settlement came the Pakistan that survived was like this 

Baluchistan – Independent Kingdom

Sind –Independent country Republic 

Tarpakar cholistan – incorporated to Rajasthan 

NWFP given to Afghanistan 

Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit Balitistan and northern areas Incorporated to India 

Pakistan – Punjab excluding Rawalpindi Mardan and eastern suburbs of Lahore 

The treaty of Bahawalpur as it was known was deemed even more devastating than the treaty of verses as only the newly truncated Pakistan was allotted only “the men and air craft needed for basic defense 

The Pakistan navy was partitioned between Sind and Baluchistan to become the Sind Navy and the Royal Baluchi Navy 

The NRP community being nationalistic as they were refused to acknowledge the treatery or the surrender the remaining civil servants of Pakistan got together in china and organized a “Pakistani Government In exile “ 

But everyone knew all that was for nothing 

Back in India the end of the war was greeted with Jubilation and celebration the stature of the Indian Armed Forces grew even taller and the institution even more beyond reproach

As on the Political front the ruling Center Right Indian People’s Party won a record barking third term 

In Jammu and Kashmir article 305 was abolished and the political scean was more vibrant with the JKNP and the JKDF entering politics as the voice of the newly integrated districts of Jammu and Kashmir

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