At Aero India 2017 HAL has confirmed that its 25 Kn engine HTFE-25 is ready for full thrust trail. From sources available it is also clear that this engine is going to power the HJT Sitara and the Hawk i training aircrafts. HAL has also said that it would like to power the light business aircrafts with the engines.
On the other go CVRDE is also developing an engine technology to power the combat ground vehicles. This engine is going to power the indian future main battle tanks and the armoured vehicles.
GTRE the india's only official or solely engine development establishment, is almost near for the development of the jet engine with 80Kn thrust. while it has the 40Kn thrust engine. Now it hopes for developing the higher thrust engines.
The Kalyani group is also on its own way at its Hyderabad facility, to develope the India's first private jet engine. Kalyani known for its dedication and determination, has developed many technologies for the nations defence. It was Kalyani that received the orders from the govt directly to manufacture the shells for the army in Kargil war.
The previous governments, slackness and its weakness of bending to the foreign pressure, has not taken serious steps to develope the technologies or to support the developpers, now with the central governments full support and the collaboration of the private entities, The indian aero space industry is seeing a bloom of spring.
Four engine programmes in which three are aero engines programmes are going to boost the Indian aero space industry in the coming decade. India will be the only third country to develope a jet engine indegeniously, after the Nazi germany, china.
USA, RUSSIA, and the european engines are the copies of the reverse engineering of the german technology post world war 2.
If engines are available in India then the Indian reliance on the other countries which would disrupt the indian aerospace developement would be no more.
The hydrogen engine being developed by the indian laboratories would enhance and reduce the fuel burden of the India.
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