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Friday 23 December 2016


Let the D-day be the December 4th 2016   with two months long escalations over the attack on Uri army base, more than a hundred Indian  soldiers have been martyred in the battlefield.  The fire exchanges have crossed the small arms and have entered regular exchanges of artillery fire.
     On 3rd December on the evening the DGMO of Pakistan contacted the Indian DGMO and cleared for peace.  As  agreed reinforcements were forced on the both sides.  India has posted all its strike formations in standby mode for a strike on order.   At 6 pm a convoy of  indian  army with logistics and troops are  attacked by Pakistans artillery fire killing 56 soldiers and injuring 44 other soldiers near Poonch. In retaliation Indian army opened the full artillery fire against the civilians and military posts across border sending chaos amongst the enemies.
At   6.30 pm
Prime minister Narendra Modi was briefed by the defence military authorities, calls an immediate press at DGMO, says will take revenge at own location and at own time.
At 7.45pm
  PM Narendra Modi asks for the forces preparation for a full scale war, and thereafter consequences.
     Every single commander connected through   conference in the war room confirms forces are in standby mode for an  full scale assault.
8.30 pm
After being completely briefed Modi asks for a type of war and expresses his will to take back Pakistan territory permanently and end Pakistan’s occupation.  Bipin Rawat chief of army staff along with admiral and air marshal confirms a strategy that could be brought from a cold start doctrine.
     Navy chief confirms Pakistan navy fully tracked and could hunt down completely within two days.  Pm expresses his concern about international pressure and confirms war should cease within 12 days before any international sanctions arises.
Ajit Doval backs armed forces, and says intelligencies are good for an attack and BLA is ready along with terrorist organisation in Pakistan that are loyal to India.  In case of a war these forces will disrupt the Pakistan army supplies and create chaos amongst enemies.  PM Modi expresses concern about nuclear warfare. Doval confirms Pakistan’s nuclear asssets are being tracked and will be eliminated before the forces are attacked by them.  Doval also specifies that there are eight batteries of Nasir with Pakistan each battery with twelve nuclear tipped missiles and all the vehicles are being tracked.
Modi asks preparations for additional satellite launches if required.  ISRO confirms eight high end satellites for spying, battlefield assessments and communications are ready to launch on notice. At secret launch sites.

Doval briefs pm with the attack plan, stresses for immediate takeover of POK and stop any aid from china to Pakistan and could use CPEC and Pak logistics thereafter, and says Hurriat should be eliminated immediately to counter any backstab during war.  Asked  for the name for the operation, PM specifies Aazaad as a symbol of freedom.   The corps were given attacking orders and the impact time was set at on 3rd December.
     The operation saped   Kashmir was initiated by the special  forces across Kashmir and the separartists and the political leaders were hunted down.  Attacks carried across   the nation to wipe out the ISI agents.  Thousands of people allegedly accused supporting Pak was taken into custody. 
      At 10.30 pm army headquarters received the confirmation of success of Saped Kashmir.  Curfew imposed   in the Jammu and Kashmir.  Artillery shelling was intensified.  Special forces given green signal to go ahead.  Ghataks breach LOC and head through the jungles towards POK villages and towns on pre intelligence reports.  On the other hand Pakistan was busy engaging the Indian artillery and evacuating the militants. 
At 10.45pm
 Infantry forces follow the Ghataks with heavy assault weapons MANPADS and ATGM missiles.  The kali regiment consisting of 15 modified Illuyishin aircrafts with kali 5000 weapons takes off from its bases.
At 10.50 pm 
Thirty helicopters drop hundreds of Para forces, 5 kilometeres within POK territory.  Mechanized forces near the Akhnoor and plains launch attack to widen the supply route.  While indian navy launches all its existing crafts into the waters.
At 10.55pm
     Ghataks seize the terror out posts and launchpads eliminate Pak soldiers.  Pre-prepared India sided ultras join and lead Indian forces.    Brahmose cruise missiles were launched against the pak  military bases.  Another salvo of Brahmose were fired at the strongholds of the Pakistan in the POK region to ease the pressure on the infantry marching ahead.  A stretch of one kilometre of the CPEC was destroyed by the Bramhose missile’s.
At 11.00pm
     With no prisoners of war option given to the soldiers, Indian force’s tanks make a assault and are already a kilometre ahead in the Pakistan territory.  Pak radar stations and formations of communications were hit by the kali regiment.   With multiple thrusts along the border Pak forces were forced to redeploy on unspecific notices and failed communications. 
      13,000   Indian troops advance rapidly in to the Pakistan occupied Kashmir  putting to work every single vehicle they came across in the way.  Two wheelers, gypsies, quad bikes airdropped and provided by the Air force take the forces far deep into the POK.     Multiple Bramhose missile attacks on the  nuclear sites forced Pakistan to pull of its Nasir strike formations from deployment, in the fear of those missiles could explode in their own bases.
At 11.11pm
Pak detects air raids and sounds its radars, the Israeli Harop radar killer drones in the Indian inventory, take out the Pakistan’s radars forcing the Pakistan’s elite air defence radars to go off. 
Multiple gamma ray strikes were made on Pakistan side by kali regiment crippling its electronics equipment.  Prahar, Smerch, Pinaka and Grad follow on the tanks, and eliminate the enemy before tanks could engage them.  Close airdefence systems were accompined to safeguard assets from any nuclear or air strikes by the Pakistan.
     With Pakistan radars going down the Indian forces make a punch through the border crossings.  With Wagah border overrun, India deploys its military forces faster by sending the forces through the trains near Wagah border.  India uses railway networks in Pakistan for deployment of its forces.   Airborne Sukhois were directed to engage the PAF over the Pakistan airspace.  BSF along  with Indian army  out maneouver the Pakistan posts.  Indian forces capture 100 war prisoners and sends them to the mainland. CRPF forces were redeployed to take care of border and POW.
     Baluchistan liberation army attacks the pakistan army convoy that was headed to the Indian border. Thousands of Balochistan men join the liberation forces with rocket launchers and the automated guns.   On the other hand the Pashthuns and the Taliban Pakistan factoion open assaults on the convoys of Pakistan stagnating the deployment efforts.
     Sukhois engage the PAF over Pakistan territory fierce dogfights takes place 4 pak radar bases were brought down by the anti radiation missiles.  Kali regiment restarts the electronic warfare.   Inspired by Indian forces POK people come to street to fight Pakistani forces. Word of war spreads like a wild fire across the Pakistan.  Pak launches 10 cruise missiles against the Indian forces. The standby Akash batteries bring down the Pakistan cruise missiles.  Indian mechanized forces penetrate 20km deep into the Pakistan territory. Indian forces in POK take vehicles provided by the civilians for fast mobilisation and make a makeshift Helibase for the airsupplies to be received.
     First Pakistani naval ship was brought down by the Indian missile boats.  Four Indian naval formations advance to blockade the Pakistan sea routes.  Ins Kolkata in gulf takes down three pakistan naval ships with its fleet Of four vessels. 30 helicopters full of reinforcements dispatched into the POK to the makeshift airbase along with the light artillery guns.
4th December.
12 am
Pakistan realises the India’s multiple attacks and calls the forces for immidiate pullback and defensified fortifications. 
      Large defensifications found at Lahore and adjoining territories. Irrespective of the terrain Indian forces punch through the territory and  a formation head straight to Hajpir pass.  Indian forces at URI takedown the overseeing posts of Pakistan in the mountains backed by Bramhose and artillery fire and para special forces.
All Pakistan airforce redeployed to Karachi, Peshawar, islamabad airbases for operations.  India launches missile strikes against the Lahore industrial area. Where much of the Pakistan forces are located there.  Sky scrappers of Lahore were bought down, Pakistan  people in havoc over attack on Lahore. Para special forces seize a formation hit by pinaka and redeployes weapons against the Pakistan forces.
First case of nerve gas attack by Pakistan reported in the balochistan and Khyber province.  Indian forces advance 40km deep into the Pakistan territory over a thousand Pakistan soldiers were dead and 1500+ soldiers were taken prisoners of war.
Inian formations heading twoward Lahore face a stream of drones heading towards them the QRsams and  air defence units hunt down the drones. 
200 para special forces takes down the control of the CPEC section and build barricades and blocks route  for possible use by pakistan and china.
12.45 am
Balochistan liberation forces overrun the pakistan army military  base seizes the equipment and assassinates every soldier present there.
Kahmiri youth comeout on the streets and help security forces reinforce the equipment.  RSS calls for the national duty thousands of RSS volunteers prepare vehicles for reinforcements of food material.
Much of the pakistan air defence brought down . pak forces start establishing the defensive formations around the major cities.   Two lakh indian armed forces are well ahead in the Pakistan territory especially in the northern regions. Giving the Pakistan a two front war from the north and the east.
Two more divisions cross the loc towards the pok and the Muzafarbad.
Two army bases in pok captured by the india led forces along with the civilian forces. More than two lakh people come to streets fighting the Pakistani forces. 
Pakistan orces retreat towards Rawalpindi form the pok region an airbase in pok was captured along with large amounts of the rations and ammunition storages. 
Siachen sees battle as an attack was lunched from all over by civilians and military of india with heavy artillery and precision posts as kali regiment attack the nature.
Indian forces advance 60km deep into the Pakistan territory keeping the enemy 200km away bramhose regimets and iaf launches an early morning raids against the pakistan.
News of war shocks both india and Pakistan in the early morning .  fall of bases in pok to Indian army and rise of balochistan liberation army messes across the electronic media of the world.
 Over three lakh swayam sewaks of rss assemble near the border area to assist and release pressure over reinforcements.
Rations form various cities reach the army headquarters various transport agencies volunteers to ferry fodder to forces. 
 Fresh attacks mounted against pakistan.  Navy chases pakistan navy close to the pak coastline . naval blockade successfully laid by the Indian navy.   total six pakistan navy ships were sunk in the Arabian sea.
Baluchistan forces takedown another army base  in the balochistan province.  Fresh clashes reported between sindh liberators and Pakistan forces in Karachi.
Indian forces takeover major cities and the supply routes over the pok and use the local force as extra force to conquer the Pakistan. 
Indian navy brings down three pakistan navy submarines which had entered Indian waters.  For the first time faced an assault at first in war Pakistan forces retreat to major cities in northern regions and coastal cities. 
  Para special forces along with marcos seize two well defended batteries of nasir nuclear warhead missiles.  Katuha nuclear base was captured by the Indian forces.
Pakistan in disperete pleads the Islamic world for help and military aid.  Baluchistan ultras intensify their attacks along with the sindh liberators./  mohirs join bla and attack the forces in sindh and balochistan.  The Indian secret agents take the control of bla forces and direct them in a invansion way.  Indain forces advances as pak forces retreat.  India captures entire run of kutch without any resistance by the Pakistan as they flee towards the cities in the backdrop.
Indian forces takeover entire eastern pok and advance towards opening the border with Afghanistan. 
In pok a lenghth of 80km of cpec came under Indian forces command. Every village and town attacked police and pakistan military convoys.  The people who suffered by Pakistan are now in arms against the same pakistan.  Especially the young kahmiries in pok took arms and guard the towns and fight the professional Pakistan army. 
A fresh thrust was initiated by india through the so called chicken neck and advance towards the paksitan with a massive mammoth formation of 13,000 soldiers and a 100 tanks. 
The Punjabi civilians who are regularly armed with lethal weapons reach borders and patrol the places of the Punjab.  While major Pakistan cantonments in southern Pakistan is heavily hit by the Baluchistan forces it faces a similar thing in the northern region including the swat valley.
Fata were witnessed clashes between Pakistan forces and the tribes. Following a deadly attack on the Pakistan by Indian forces.  Town of skardu in pok falls to Indian forces with a little resistance.  People of pok march towards the gilgit.  The strong hold fo the Pakistan.  The town of sost, jamalabad, gulmit join Indian forces and block the cpec.  Riots started in adjoining towns of gilgit.
Tribal leaders in fata declare seizure of the swat valley and the kumrat valley.
With huge defences at Lahore Indian forces march through sailkot, norowal and march to city of Gujranwala
People of Punjab ferry the logistics behind the  Indian forces in their own vehicles.  Bla seizes six major towns in the balochistan province near iran border. Pakistan forces at border outposts in Baluchistan flee and take asylum in iran.   Fighting in sindh intensifies as civilians clash with the military convoys with small arms.
Forces build up on both sides in between Lahore and the amristar cities.  Five kali regiment’s aircrafts head towards Lahore escorted by the sukhoi fighter jets.
Indian forces confirm reach to afghan border and confirms a regrouoped forces of sixlakhs with people of pok marching aggressively with Indian forces.
The kali regiment aims at the Lahore citry. Radars point paf loitoring over the city of Lahore. 
A pakistan  fired missiles at a kali formation.  Kali regiments fires the high energy readiations. Missiles falls of the skies and paf fighters fall like the shot birds off the sky.
Entire Lahore city goes out of the power. All Pakistan electronic equipment comes to halt. Lying useless .   the Pakistan army formation the the Lahore becomes a sittitng duck to the Indian armed forces formation.
Major revolt reported in fata region again convoys fleeing the pok was attack on a ghat section. Thousands of people armed are reported assaulting the pak convoy’s.
Indian forces cross border towards Lahore with a massive strength of 30,000 soldiers. 
Inidan intelligence reports says that pak forces massacred and crushed the revolt in gilgit city.  Killing nearly 2000 people.  Gilgit city which sits on the cpec has been completely surrounded by Indian forces and has a 3,000 well equipped Pakistan men deeply defensified within the city using the citizens as the human shield.
A fresh clash of indo pak navies reported near Karachi a section of Indian missile boats with two kilo submarines sink a patrolling fleet of six paksitan naval vessels.
Indian forces march through yasen valley sandhi and pandher with local armed groups.  Nearly four lakh armed men and women march through the shadur national park.  Forces from poonch, uri approach the original india and pakistan border that was in 1947.  while pak forces withdrew to the other side of the jammu kashmir.
At 4pm fresh reports of china mobolizing the forces along the indo china border.  India sends its reserve troops to the posts in the india china border theatre.  Fierce battle broke out at Lahore between india and Pakistan forces.  Pak forces struggles with their armoured regiments as indians forces open fire.  With only rpg’s and small arms left to fight pak soldiers plung in to central city slowly abandoning their mechanized sitting duck equipment,  With no electronics equipment in working condition to turn on them. 
     Inidan forces withdrew fifteen kilometres off Lahore as satellites pick up a nasir missile batteries in the Lahore city.  Indian artillery regiments  openend the fire against the Lahore city affecting the civilian and the military formation inside the city.  While on the other hand the indian mechanized forces encircled the city with the air defence batteries with them to counter the nasir missiles from achieving their goal.  A distance of fifteen kilometres was maintained by all units from the city of Lahore to ensure that they do not become the victims of the nuclear war head, as per the  New delhi orders.
      At 5 pm 
evening the Indian forces cross the  international border in the jammu Kashmir and enter the Pakistan in the north most tip,  for the first time to do so after Indian forces were forced to back off in the 1947 war with pakistan. Indian forces missed this theatre of battle field.  The liberation forces of FATA   joined the Indian forces. And the baltistan was declared liberated and retaken by the Indian forces.
The Pakistan threatens  india with a nuclear strike if Indian forces further marches into the Pakistan  territory.  However indian ghatak and marcos sieze the two nasir batteries stationed in Lahore .  as soon as the nasir batteiries were destroyed the Indian forces launched the allround attack  on the Lahore.  At 5.45 pm the Pakistan soldiers surrendered with no other option left with them as their nuclear arsenal was gone. Which was their last hope of defence against the massive indian forces.
     However the Pakistan forces sent a contigent of 150 tanks and a self propelled artillery regiment towards the Lahore theatre. jaguars  mig 29’s sukhois were dispatched to thwart the  wave of the Pakistan against the Lahore theatre. 
6.10 pm
Inian forces starts refurbish the Lahore airport and the air base.  On the other hand an hidden battery of long range sam of Pakistan took the toll on the fighter formation which was headed towards the incoming wave against the Lahore.           The fighters were forced to head back to the Lahore without a fight with the Pakistan army.  The indian helicopters quickly initiates the combat search and rescue operations to recover the pilots from the crash sites.  These helicopters were already launched keeping in mind the Pakistan air defence capability.   However later on the airborne harops took the toll of this sam batteries before they could harm much damage to the indian fighter squadron.
      Quick reinforcements reach the Lahore with columns of the pow’s sent and stationed in the jails of Lahore.  A massive number of pow’s were sent to the Lahore cricket stadium to keep an eye on them.
    On the other hand the balochistan forces takes control of villages around the quetta.   Two Indian missile boats were sunk by paistan submarines while on a strike mission near Karachi.   Three lakh baloch fighters with small arms are waiting around  quetta to wage a war  against the Pakistan forces in the quetta city.
     At 6. 30 pm
  Indian forces reaches around the Muzafarbad.  Uno calls for a cease fire between india and Pakistan.  And orders to move back to original positions.  While Pakistan welcomed the uno move the indian government rejected the uno ceasefire option.
06.45 pm
india launches a massive strike through the desert against the city of Multan. Inian navy haunts down three Pakistan submarines while they were about to strike the indian navy’s formation.  Ins Chennai  shoots down four cruise missiles while patrolling off Gujarat coast.  Indian forces in the north receive reinforcements.  India confirms media that entire POK  been liberated from Pakistan occupation. 
     A Chinese convoy of military which was heading to camp within indian territory was blocked by the ITBP and the Indian army.  India warns china with cpec in its hand.   China deters indea with  a full strike if india intervenes and affects the cpec.   Modi explains the Chinese ambassador that china has no business in india Pakistan relations.  India warns Chinese to keep away if they want their cpec unaffected and to be used in the future through the now indian part jammu and Kashmir.

07.15 pm
     Pak formations heading Lahore raise the white flag after being intercepted by a Indian contigent.  The columns of prisoners were sent in the trucks to the Lahore and the indian side.  Keeping in mind that india has to answer the world about the rules of the war.  Killing any pow will attract the global sanctions against the Indian advancements in the Pakistan. 
     Indian forces now advance in south of Rawalpindi giving it a two front scenario with one from east and one from the eastern front.  FATA intensifies clashes with forces in Peshawar hundreds of liberators and pak soldiers were killed in ambushes from both sides. 
     Six cruise missiles launched by pakistan was shot down in the rajasthan desert.  Forces in kutch advances taking towns one by one in a slow pace, clarifying it does not become the victim of the Pakistan nuclear arsenal. As the orders from new delhi was clear not to escalate the war into nuclear conflict.  Forces through the desert advances after running through the Pakistan forces who offered little resistance.  Pakistan which was in a defensive position a little farther ahead was waiting for an attack from india through this place.  Pak forces infact was waiting to ambush the indian forces that was heading to the multan city.  Indian air force spots active radar batteries with long range surface to air missiles stationed in the Pakistan defensive formations. 
     One battery of nasir missile was located by the indian satellites.  Forces heading multan split into three fronts  centre left and right formations.  Each flank was accompined by the bramhose cruise missile. System. 
     The two mighty forces each a division size consisting 30 000 soldiers each  took formations 100km apart each. 
7.30 pm
     After hearing alt of assault against the city of multan, new delhi directs  IAF  to handle the situation with aerial bombardment.  The indian iaf fighters jaguars, mig 29’s  and sukhois with mirage 2000’sarmed with LGB’S , ARM’S, AND BVRAAM’S  head towards multan from three sides delhi, Mumbai, and pathankot.  The Israeli harop drones that were airborne accompined and gave the idea to attack by triggering the Pakistan airdefence systems to go high.  Indian airforce formation A , a mock formation to trigger the  airdefence of the pak released the lgb’s against the sam batteries. 
The long range sam’s fired to intercept these fighters, while the paf fighters that were stationed in multan took off from the multan airfields, to engage  the iaf.  As soon the missiles were fired at indian air force the bramhose batteries launched the bramhose missiles in the mean while the harops slipped into the Pakistan controlled airspace, while the IAF  released the anti radiation missiles. Confused Pakistan airdefence missile batteries failed to intercept the harops which proved fatal by taking off the entire air defence missile batteries.
     When the paf arrived the mig 29’s and sukhois shot them down like flies. As soon as the Indian forces got a lock on them the Pakistan air force fled the skies as most of its fighters lost. As the radars were ousted , bramhose cruise missiles wiped out the artillery and missile launchers
     While at the south Pakistan, balochistan forces captured the quetta bases after a brief battle, both sides loosing thousands of men.  Gwadar was isolated and Chinese were forced to flee gwadar through their ships.  Balochistan forces captured major chunks of southern Pakistan. Along with the huge amount of arms and weapon from the captured military bases.
     Once the artilleries were hit the ghatak forces moved on when the pinaka unloaded its rockets onto the pakistan forces at multan theatre. A handful of airdefence guns that Pakistan had managed to sustain could not hold the ground for long , the pinaka rockets reached the targets and most of the formation was eliminated.
     Indian forces from north approached towards south along the Afghanistan border islolating the pakistan from getting an external support. Cutting off the ways to stop any Pakistan forces fleeing the country, into Afghanistan.
At 8.00pm
     A ceasefire talks brokered by America were failed after pakistan denied to accept the india’s victory over it and the conditions laid by the indian government.  Iaf destroys the nasir battery stationed in multan. Indian forces wipe out the Pakistan forces deployed at multan.  A civilian assault on Indian armed forces in Lahore city was crushed brutually after a convoy of 200 indian soldiers were killed.
Indian forces maneovers through Afghanistan and reaches quetta. Indian armoured regiment veterans man the pakistan’s captured mechanized units by balochistan forces. The balochistan forces forms the quetta formation and head towards sindh. Pakistan forces in defensive formation in sindh faces a two front attack from west as well as east. 
80,000  pakistan soldiers in defensive positions advance towards the balochistan forces, in west a contigent of Indian forces from kutch advances with tanks and bmp’s to back sabotage the west headed forces. 
     Underestimating the slow moving indian forces sindh formation had headed west when they saw a two wave attack of east invansion by tanks. Pak again dugged into defensive  formation sending 20,000 troops to engage the quetta formation, pak forces that headed to engage the quetta formation had not known that it had regular indian veterans leading the formation.
     After the multan fall indian force of desert formation stationed the central flank in the multan, left wing was directed to camp 200 km south of multan while right flank diredted to seal the Afghanistan border to isolate the Pakistan.
     Pakistan lately realises that it has lost the the history of Pakistan it has faced the aggressive Indian forces than ever.  And an attack from the north and cutting the umbical chord which connected it to the china.  The cpec.  Which been its last hope that china could send reinforcements.  Instead the cpec helped india to march to the north of Pakistan. 
     Naval blockade, downed communication, enemy around the nation, uprising of baloch, sindh and fata regions made Pakistan veterans sleepless.  Loosing the battle every hour Pakistan has lost two major cities to the india and more than a three lakh forces of Pakistan are killed or captured as POW by the Indian forces. Chinese in the gwadar were allowed to cross the naval blockade laid by the Indian navy.
     Seventy percent of the Pakistan air defence systems are been neutralised, four of its nuclear batteries out of twelve have been captured by Indian forces.  The same arms of Pakistan are now fighting the pak forces but manned by balochistan forces. 
Though received multiple requests from Pakistan the gulf nations remained neutral sensing the Indian fast advancing  forces within the Pakistan territory, giving no time for the intervention.  Pakistan realises inida’s new stronger deadlier strategy of a limited time full scale war instead of an limited area war, Pakistan has not anticipated that Afghanistan could allow indian forces to pass through their territory for an military operation.
Second set of talks brokered by the USA and Russia were failed after india refused to withdrew from the pakistan territory.  Pakistan refused the india’s condition of holding the ground as of moment.  With fast increasing international pressure to end the war to prevent further escalating into the nuclear conflict,  Indian forces intensifies the fight against the Pakistan strong holds.
     In another way, baloch forces seize the control of balochistan after taking over the gwadar city.  Indian navy reaches the gwadar port and takes over the control of the gwadar port.  Baloch rebels flood the Karachi harbour with thousands of fishing boats, equipped with machine guns, rpg’s , and small arms.  In the mean while the Indian navy sunk the remaining two submarines of the Pakistan and the Indian missile boats lit up the Karachi cantonment with missiles. 
The active radar and the naval radars were it by the harop drones.
Indian navy intercepts the six cruise missile well ahead in pak waters.  Karachi airbase was raided by bramhose missiles..
      In the further development, the sindh formation withdrew towards Karachi, while the kutch formation headed to interrupt it in the midway.  Karachi formation sent a  contigent of ten thousand soldiers with a 100 tanks to engage the kutch formation.  A small number of baloch rebels in possession of a tracked artillery battery had trapped the way with IED’S  and had stationed themselves on a high hill.  The hill rightly situated facing the way the sindh formation has headed to reach the Karachi.
     As the sindh formation approached the location where this hill is situated, the Indian kutch formation reached the area, in the mean while the Karachi formation too arrived in mean time.  The baloch rebels were confused to see three forces in different directions. They could not identify which is Indian forces and which is the Pakistan forces.
     The section of tanks from the sindh formation split and headed east while rest of the forces headed to Karachi.  The Karachi regiment too formed a two formations one first line and another second line.  With IED’s  placed and a battery of artillery aback them pak forces just kept their focus on the Indian forces.     The small contigient of 500 odd balochistan rebels atop the hill waited for the fight to begin.
5th December
     Peshawar faced an fresh attack from south by an indian contigent which had maneovered through Afghanistan. A less defended south Peshawar was overrun  by the t 72 and bmp’s of Indian army. Indian forces immediately digged up them selves and fortified to counter the retaliation form the pakistan forces within the city.  A another wave attacked the Peshawar from the north. 
The FATA fighters break through the  west defences of the Peshawar, while the small formation of both Indian and fata fighters settled east of Peshawar laying a trap to attack the forces that may flee the Peshawar. 
      At south the sindh formation engaged the kutch formation.  As there was less time to react both forces overrun each other.  In the meantime the armoured forces of india and indaijn air force reached the area  whle paf had already delivered the bombs against the Indian formation.  Gracefully these  were just the conventional arsenal.    
     The baloch fighters opened the artillery fire at the second line and amuunition containers.  In the mean time baloch lit up the traps they have laid, and fired rpg’s and opened the heavy machine guns at the pak forces randomly.
     A paf fighter bombed the baloch rebels, but by the time they had took enough toll and had stagnated the pak forces.  Iaf sukhoi’s swiftly engaged the Pakistan f 16’s and the j 17’s. the quetta formation and the tanks of kutch formation rached in time and let another front of attack against the sindh formation.
     Faced by multiple front attacks the Pakistan forces retreated to towards Karachi.  The kutch formation suffered heavy casualties as it was ill prepared and the air defence batteries were not deployed and were lagged behind in the way.  Since most of the armoured vehicles were in formation one , it took itme for them to reach the main formation which went ot stop the sindh formation being withdrawn to the Karachi.
     Indian satellites noticed acivities at Sargodha nuclear site and other nuclear sites at Karachi  and Peshawar.
India strikes down entire pak navy, shore based harpoons sunk Indian missile boats. Pak launches air raids against the Indian navy which was approaching the Karachi. 
Indian air force reach quetta airbase southern paksitan was separated from the Punjab province.  Fighting intensifies at Peshawar . forcesforom Islamabad were reinforced to Peshawar. India launches another thrust towards Rawalpindi and a thrust towards Karachi. 
      Massive ten lakh plus people from balochistan a ll lakh from the fata Khyber and pok provinces along with ll lakh Indian regular army are now in Pakistan.  Peshawar forces were now concentrated now around paksitan’s 7 major cities.  Sargodha Karachi Islamabad Peshawar abottabad Rawalpindi and muzafarbad are the only places now the paksitan seizes to exist.
     American satellites confirms paksitan moving nuclear arsenal at Sargodha . America brokers talks again between india and Pakistan.  Pakistan threats for an nuclear attack against india.  Whlle Indian prime minister replies that india will make an massive retaliation If irked.  Paksitan refuses to surrender as india’s conditions America warns a onslaughter if paksitan moves the nuclear arsenal further.
     With paksitan moving its arsenal Americas B2  spirit stealth bombers already airborne in Pakistan airspace, launch attacks on paksitan nuclear bases and destroyes the launchers with cruise missiles.  American bombers were deployed on india’s request to thwart any nuclear catastroph.
     B2 spirit bombers also knock off the remaining tacktical nuclear missiles of paksitan hidden in the cities.
India launches another wave of attack at Rawalpindi on wes at Peshawar reinforcementsfrom Islamabad knock off the Indian forces waiting for fleeing paksitan forces from the Peshawar.   The Indian forces surrender to the Pakistan.  The victory over the Indian forces increases the hope of the Pakistan. As they captured the first column of pow’s in the war.
    With pakistan’s nuclear arsenal been neutralised the Indian force formations from multan and Lahore head to the north.  Indian airforce launches massive attacks against the Sargodha airbase.  Harop drones knock off the radar stations at Sargodha, multiple drone attacks in Islamabad , Rawalpindi was witnessed.  Fighting around Peshawar intensifies.  Forces from quetta and multan march to Sargodha with an new thrust headed from the homeland. 
     Karachi faces multilevel attacks, constant rocket and artillery fire crumbles the Karachi city. 
     Indian para special forces penetrate Sargodha base, Pakistan forces were heavily fired.  Paksitan fighters been blown up by the harop’s.  major artillery units and rocket ammunition storage hit by bramhose missiles.
Pakistan fighter jets stationed at Sargodha were blown up by the Indian drone attack.  Major artillery units, rocket launchers, ammunition dumps were hit by the bramhose missiles.
     Sargodha overrun by Indian forces. Karachi witnesses intensified attacks from the inidan forces.  Baloch forces break through pakistans defensive formations.  Plung into Karachi city.  Harops take down the harpoon missile batteries that were holding the inidan navy.
 A wave of sukhois arrive for Indian navy’s help engaging paksitan airforce at Karachi.  Indian forces mount an attack at Rawalpindi from both east and south.  Indian forces overrun Peshawar and muzafarbad.  Indian navy’s lead ships Kolkata class destroyers launch bramhose missiles at Karachi military positions. And neutralize the Pakistan resistance.  Baloch and Indian forces confirms fall of the Karachi.  
     Fourteen pak f 16 fighters heavily equipped were shot down by Indian sam systems.  Later confirmed that these fighters were bound on the nuclear strike role.  After fall of muzafarbad and  Karachi the Indian forces mass around Islamabad and Rawalpindi from west.  Abottabad army base was bombed by Indian airforce and the rocket artillery regiment. Pak forces at abottabad surrenders to the Indian forces.
8 am
Indian forces break through the Rawalpindi defences from south.  With paf seized to exist iaf plunder paksitan defences in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
9 am
Inidan forces capture Rawalpindi with all the generals captured. Islamabad simply surrenders after the fall of Rawalpindi as most of the Islamabad was heavily bombed and was bought to rubbles. With no military leaders to guide them paksitan forces surrender as the tricolor was hoisted at the Rawalpindi military head quarters and at the Islamabad parliament and  presidents house.  Pm nawaz sharif commited suicide after facing the defeat. 
10 am
     Indian prime minister mr. narendra damodar das  modi announces victory over paksitan.   In newdelhi through video conference from his nuclear bunker. 
11 am
Pakistan generals and ministers were held prisoners of war and was brought to india for to be trailed for an attempt of nuclear strike on Indian forces and their atrocities in balochistan and the Pakistan occupied Kashmir region.  India declares the accession of the pakstan into the Indian union.
4 pm
     balochistan exiled leaders fly to india after meeting with prime minister modi accept the accession.   Indian reserve forces and reserved police forces were rushed to the Pakistan to maintain the law and order as all of the paksitan public services were stopped and all the police stations were hit and closed.
8 pm
     Inidan prime minister addresses the press meet in the south block.
Dear brothers and sisters, today I proudly announce that the great hearoes of our nation, our armed forces have defeated the Pakistan forces and today I announce the accessionof our fromer territories into our nation.  In the same time I proudly praise the heroism and valour expressed by the forces from balochistan, sindh, federally administrated tribal areas,  people of Kashmir and for joining the inidan forces in this fight against the terrorism and its breeder Pakistan.
     I also express my condolence to the soldierw who have laid down their lives fighting for the nation. I give you my word that, we overcome the sorrows of this war.
     This time the battle was fought in the Pakistan territory, unlike previous wars, this time our forces took the Pakistan with surprise by new strategy and way of attacking.  I greatly praise the inidan forces, balochistan liberation army and the tribes from the FATA , the people from  the kashimir.
     The nation will remember the sacrifices of the heroic men and women who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of our nation.  I salute their dedication and determination and their service to the nation.
     Today I feel proud to say that through this victory, our men have ended both terrorism and the terrorist heaven. And it remains no more the terror heaven but will be a part of Indian peace symbol.
      There were several threats to with draw the forces from the Pakistan, but there were also friends who neutralized the paksitan’s nuclear arsenal, preventing a nuclear war again in this world.
    Today I reind you that, we will have a terror free, war free inida. But we maintain the strength and power of our armed forces intact and no less than any one to defend our territories in case of an external aggressions to disrupt our peace and security.
     All the traitors and criminals who was the reason behind the war and several war crimes will be trailed by the court of hague, as already we have talked to the uno.
     Thank you.”
Fire  crackers lit up the skies of inida.  Yet inida had suffered a loss of more than 17,000 soldiers who fell fighting the war.  On the other hand inidan forces confirmed the death toll of Pakistan forces was about two lakhs, most of them were slained by the balochistan and the tribal rebel forces.  Most of the cantonments were completely slained not leaving even the children of the military men.
    The loss of rebel forces were huge about eight lakh Pakistan people were dead including the rebel forces in this many towns had been witnessed chemical warfare in the Khyber province and the balochistan.  The chemical weapons were been used in the western balochistan and the major towns.
     6th December
Inidan forces take control of entire pakitan rebels were disarmed step by step. With a law that o other than the armed forces shall poses a gun for the security.  Indian police patrolled the cities and the outskirts of the major cities.  Check posts were set up every were and the people were registered with necessary documents and migration of the people was banned for a while as the curfew was in implementation. 
     India assures the uno that people of Pakistan will be treated equal to Indian citizens according to the constitution of india.   In the mean while Afghanistan approaches india for the joining of the FATA region with the Afghanistan.  India assures  Afghanistan that FATA will remain the integral part of Afghanistan.  India in a joint statement with ghani, thanks Afghanistan for allowing Indian forces to pass through afghan territory.

12th December.
     In the new amendment of reunification act of india, FATA region was given back to the Afghanistan.  Rest of the Pakistan was merged with india.  In the meanwhile keeping CPEC  as a game ball india signs the border treaty with china.  China vacates the gilgit baltistan region . but aksai chin remains in the Chinese occupation. And the mc mohan line was declared as the international boundry by both sides. 
     Jammu Kashmir assembly celebrates the reunification, while the Punjabis too celebrate the reunification of the western Punjab with the eastern Punjab.  With Lahore to be the next cpital of Punjab after the reconstruction work is completed.  Much of the Indian forces were moved ot the army bases in Pakistan.  
All channels and newspapers of Pakistan were banned, only Indian govt media was telecasted.  Thousands of Pakistan people were brutually crushed after they seemed to go for an uprise.  All the mobile networks were gone off air, to prevent any massing of people.   Curfew was imposed for an year, most of the weapons taken by rebels were taken back to prevent the problem of law and order.
     Manly protest in Punjab and northern pasitan were brutually crushed.  Hundreds of the preachers were held responsible for after war crimes who was arranging secret meetings, to radicalise the young people.  Pakistan armned forces men were put in jails in india.  The cricket stadium of Lahore and multan became the massive jails.
     China was allowed to use the Gwadar prot only commercial purposes, and CPEC usage too was limited per day.  A part of balochistan that was in Iranian occupation was returned on the request of india. And the baloch people in exile returned back, these people were accommodated in the quetta and gwadar cities, the two big cities of the balochistan state.

    Yet the people and the media was worrying about the friendly nations who helped india in neutralising the Pakistan’s nuclear arsenals, as Indian and the Americans kept a closed lip on that matter.

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